The PGS category of services are those designed to meet the needs of companies that do not have well-defined tasks that fall neatly under the reservoir geo-services heading. These companies wish to benefit from having an experienced and engaged geoscience team, but do not yet have the resources or time to take on the associated overhead and commitment.

Under this premise, “Strider” can work with its clients to custom build a fit-for-purpose solution that meets the requirements of the client. Some applications that fall under this category include Land and Landsale Evaluations, Prospecting, Regional Mapping. These fit-for-purpose solutions might manifest themselves in one of a number of mutually beneficial arrangements, including but not limited to:

  • Turn-key Contract

  • Reversionary Interest,

  • Gross-Overriding Royalties (GORR)

  • Net Carried Interests

  • Net Profits Interest

For Further Information…

If your company is looking for experienced prospect generation capability, and would like to learn more about our PGS services, please contact us directly.